Ако ви скурчи да се обраќате кај Марјан Стојановски за нумери од роденденски карактер, Фанк Шуи доаѓаат напомош, пет минути до нивниот концерт во петок, каде ќе можете да го слушате „Никогаш пак“ во живо.
Повеќе за концертот овде: Спремни за Funk Shui во Лабораториум?
За разгибавање, притисни плеј.
Don’t hurt yourself
It’s just my tolerance,
Don’t lose yourself
It’s just your truths I tolerate
When you love who you need
And you need what you didn’t learn,
And you live and let die
You live
And let die
Now show me your patience,
Where are your moods ?
You know that i fell in and
Out of love so many times
That we decided to just be friends
Than i got mad that you died Now i just miss my survivor’s guilt
The wolves
Were my friends
Now i stopped Pointing the gun
At myselfThis city’s heart
Melts like snow,
It screams “Fuck you if you need me”It doesn’t have any smell,
It resembles your misplaced love
It said “torture never stops” Got to lean on the gas
Got to wave goodbye real fast
Don’t forget to remember,
Don’t remember too
The wolves
Were my friends
Now i stopped Pointing the gun
At myself
Од пеперутки
Во стомак
Ми остана
Ова е помалку од љубов
А ве барав како Диоген