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CARNIVAL OF THE AVANT-GARDE: In New York, an ailing Andy Warhol sent Heller to meet the rising artist Basquiat, who insisted on including Miles Davis. Haring took Heller to meet Kenny Scharf. Lichtenstein gave a number for Hockney. In Palm Beach, just to get a blessing, Heller met the Jewish writer, Nobel laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (Isaac Bashevis Singer) whose encouraging letter adorns the back cover of the book Luna Luna. "From then on, I knew we couldn't lose," Heller said. (Only John Cage refused.)









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Дива е посветена на приказните кои се месото на животот. Домашната независна култура е жедна и гладна и тука сме да и́ понудиме простор во кој може да се одомаќини. Дива е на сите. Најновиот елемент е поткаст Брза кучка, со Дива Лига од една страна а гости кои работат литература, музика, визуелни уметности, науки, живот како уметност од другата. Со институцијата, ритуалот разговор, се обидуваме да дознаеме како да стигнеме на место каде ќе бидеме среќни, и како изгледа активизмот кој ќе го постигне тоа. грррр.

Diva Misla ( Savage Mind) is a platform founded on July 7, 2021 after a series of conversations on the topic "What is needed on the stage" with several artists. The answer: Thank you very much, so we started there and then, with clumsy, determined first steps. Dedicated to exploring and sharing the world's diverse culture and art. We open the door to the world of culture, from high art to pop culture, and strive to present this as part of globally relevant culture and art. We not only question those who hold the keys (gatekeeper) but also insist: Wild thought may not be for everyone, but it belongs to everyone. Culture and Art: Our site explores and analyzes all aspects of art and culture. From literary reviews to art exhibitions, we explore and share the best of the world of culture. Podcast: Podcasts have been the dominant platform for the past 5 years, where all voices have found their place: we recommend and dig deep into the topics that define the human experience. Whether discussing art or analyzing human motives, we explore the aspects that make us human. Urban Reader: We explore the arts in urban life and support urban expression. From street performance to graffiti, we tap into the artistic pulse of cities. Photography, Film and Music: Our site offers reviews and analysis of the latest photography, film and music. We study and share the latest trends in these visual and sonic expressions of art but also remind ourselves of the classics - often they are a new experience for a young and fresh audience. Activism: Diva Misla supports activist movements that aim to improve the world. We bring a voice for change and celebrate the importance of activism in the modern world. Wild Thought is a place where you can explore and engage in discussions about everything that makes human culture and art so wonderful and intriguing.

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дива лого
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